Helping Women and their Families

Providing memory hearts and baby loss resources

So nobody faces baby loss alone.

What we do

Who We are

Jessica Perry

After losing 4 babies through miscarriage between 2016 and 2019, Jess decided to raise some money to give back to the units at Gloucestershire Royal which had helped her and her family through their hard time.

Char Strinati

After experiencing her own losses and receiving a holding heart of her own, Char decided to raise money to help launch our charity. Fast forward to 2024 and she’s now a crucial part of the team, with a psychology background!

Sammy Bowles

After the loss of her son, Jayden, at 32 weeks and subsequent 10 miscarriages. Sammy has frequently had to experience loss and was driven to join Holding Hearts to help others who go through the pain that she has.

We’re a Charity Partner for
London Landmarks Half Marathon 2025


We cannot do the work that we do without your help.

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